Privacy Policy

Cheere is a public platform

1, We collect some data about you

We use the data to operate improve and personalize our services

To foster safety and security

To measure, analyze andmake our services better

To communicate with you about ourservices

To reseach.

2,  Information We Collect:

Information you provide us

Information we receive when you use Cheere

Information we receive from third parties

3, Sharing Information:

When you postand share.

With third parties and third party integrations.

When required by law, to prevent harm or in public interest

With Affiliates

4, How Can I Control My data?

You can access it, delete it or change your setting. Basically you are the boss

5, How Does Cheere Handle Your Information Where I am?

We treat your information fairly no matter where you live around the world

6, Is Cheere For Kids?

Nope, Cheere isnot intended for people under 13

How Can I Contact Cheere

Slide into our Cheere Official Inbox or through the Contact button on the first page of our website