Health Insurance in India for People with Disabilities

This blog explores the landscape of health insurance for people with disabilities in India, the challenges they face, and the options available to them.

Health insurance is a crucial aspect of financial planning, especially in a country like India where healthcare costs are rising steadily. For people with disabilities, having buy health insurance online is not just important but essential, as their medical needs can be more complex and frequent than those of the general population. This blog explores the landscape of health insurance for people with disabilities in India, the challenges they face, and the options available to them.

Introduction to Health Insurance in India

India's healthcare system is a mix of public and private services, with a growing emphasis on insurance coverage to manage out-of-pocket expenses. The best health insurance plans in India are designed to cover medical expenses incurred during hospitalization, including surgeries, treatments, and other healthcare needs. However, the inclusivity of these policies, particularly for people with disabilities, remains a significant concern.

The Importance of Health Insurance for People with Disabilities

For people with disabilities, health insurance is a lifeline that ensures access to necessary medical care without the burden of exorbitant costs. Disabilities often come with additional healthcare needs such as regular check-ups, therapies, and sometimes lifelong medication. The best health insurance companies in India can alleviate the financial strain on individuals and families, allowing them to focus on care and rehabilitation rather than costs.

Challenges in Accessing Health Insurance

Discrimination and Exclusions

One of the primary challenges people with disabilities face is discrimination in the health insurance or cancer insurance plans sector. Many insurers exclude pre-existing conditions, which can often include the disability itself, from coverage. This exclusion leaves individuals without the necessary financial support for their healthcare needs. Moreover, certain disabilities might lead to outright rejection of insurance applications.

Lack of Awareness

There is a significant lack of awareness among people with disabilities and their families about the available health insurance options or personal accident insurance. Many are unaware of policies specifically tailored to their needs or the benefits provided by government schemes. This knowledge gap can prevent them from availing themselves of the financial protection they are entitled to.

Financial Constraints

The financial burden of obtaining health insurance is another barrier. Premiums for health insurance policies can be higher for individuals with disabilities, making it challenging for them to afford adequate coverage. In many cases, families already struggling with the costs associated with disability care may find it difficult to allocate additional funds for insurance premiums.

Government Schemes for People with Disabilities

Ayushman Bharat – Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PMJAY)

Launched in 2018, PMJAY aims to provide free health coverage at the secondary and tertiary levels to over 100 million vulnerable families. The scheme includes coverage for individuals with disabilities, offering them access to necessary medical care without financial strain. It covers pre-existing conditions from day one, which is a significant advantage for people with disabilities.

National Trust Health Insurance Scheme

The National Trust, under the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, provides a health insurance scheme specifically for persons with autism, cerebral palsy, mental retardation, and multiple disabilities. This scheme offers coverage for hospitalization, OPD (Outpatient Department) treatment, and medical expenses up to a certain limit.

Swavlamban Health Insurance Scheme

The Swavlamban Health Insurance Scheme, launched by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, provides health insurance coverage to persons with disabilities who are holders of the Disability Certificate issued by competent authorities. The scheme offers coverage up to ₹2 lakh for essential healthcare services, including pre and post-hospitalization expenses.

Private Health Insurance Options

Star Health Insurance

Star Health and Allied Insurance Co. Ltd. offers a specific plan called "Star Special Care" for people with autism. This plan covers medical expenses for hospitalization due to illness or injury, providing financial support tailored to the unique needs of individuals with autism.

New India Assurance

New India Assurance offers health insurance policies that do not exclude individuals with disabilities. Their plans cover a range of disabilities, ensuring that people with different conditions can access the healthcare services they need.

Oriental Insurance

Oriental Insurance Company provides comprehensive health insurance plans that cater to individuals with various disabilities. These plans cover pre-existing conditions after a waiting period, ensuring that individuals with disabilities receive the necessary medical attention without undue financial hardship.

Customizing Insurance Plans for People with Disabilities

Customizing health insurance plans to meet the specific needs of people with disabilities is crucial. Insurers can offer specialized coverage options that include regular therapies, long-term medications, and medical equipment. These customized plans ensure that individuals with disabilities receive holistic care without financial barriers.

Role of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)

NGOs play a vital role in bridging the gap between health insurance providers and people with disabilities. Organizations like NCPEDP (National Centre for Promotion of Employment for Disabled People) work towards creating awareness and advocating for inclusive insurance policies. They also assist individuals in navigating the complex process of obtaining health insurance, ensuring they receive the coverage they need.

Future Prospects and Recommendations

Inclusive Policy Making

To improve the accessibility of health insurance for people with disabilities, inclusive policy-making is essential. Policymakers must consider the unique needs of people with disabilities and ensure that health insurance schemes are designed to provide comprehensive coverage without discrimination.

Awareness Campaigns

Raising awareness about health insurance options for people with disabilities is crucial. Government bodies, NGOs, and insurance companies should collaborate to conduct awareness campaigns, educating individuals and families about the available schemes and their benefits.

Affordable Premiums

Ensuring that health insurance premiums are affordable for people with disabilities is vital. Subsidies or financial assistance programs can be introduced to help individuals and families afford the necessary coverage without financial strain.

Digital Inclusion

Leveraging technology to create accessible digital platforms for health insurance can simplify the process of obtaining and managing health insurance for people with disabilities. User-friendly interfaces, accessible websites, and mobile applications can enhance their experience and ensure they can easily access information and services.


Health insurance is a fundamental right that should be accessible to everyone, including people with disabilities. While there have been significant strides in making health insurance inclusive in India, there is still a long way to go. 

Aman Sharma

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